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Forum Guidelines
Welcome to the community! To ensure a safe, respectful, and productive space for everyone, we ask that all members follow these simple guidelines. Whether you’re here to find your next short-term job, share advice, or learn from others, adhering to these guidelines will help us create a positive experience for all.
1. Be Respectful & Kind 🤝
Treat every member with respect, kindness, and empathy. We all come from different backgrounds and experiences, and it’s important to be courteous and understanding in your interactions. Disagreements are fine, but they should always be handled in a constructive and respectful manner.
2. No Spam or Self-Promotion 🚫
This is a community-driven forum, so we ask that you avoid spamming or excessively promoting your own business, services, or products. Keep discussions focused on the community’s shared interests—short-term jobs, career advice, and personal growth. If you'd like to promote something, please check the specific section or reach out to the admin for approval.
3. Stay On-Topic 📍
Keep posts relevant to the specific topic of the forum or discussion thread. This helps everyone stay focused and get the most out of the conversations. If you’re starting a new discussion, make sure it’s in the right category and use clear, descriptive titles.
4. No Offensive Language or Behavior 🚫
We are committed to creating a safe environment for all members. Offensive language, hate speech, harassment, or discriminatory behavior of any kind will not be tolerated. Please be mindful of your tone and language when interacting with others.
5. Share Helpful and Accurate Information 🧠
Be mindful of the information you share. If you're offering career tips, job advice, or resources, make sure they are accurate, current, and helpful. If you’re unsure about something, it’s always better to ask for clarification before posting.
6. Protect Privacy 🔒
Please respect the privacy of others. Do not share personal or sensitive information (yours or others') without permission. This includes contact details, addresses, and personal stories that could identify someone in a negative or compromising way.
7. Use Descriptive Titles 📝
When posting a new topic or question, be as clear and descriptive as possible with your title. This helps other members quickly understand what your post is about and encourages more participation.
8. Report Problems to the Moderators 🚨
If you encounter any issues with posts, members, or behavior that goes against the guidelines, please use the “Report” button or contact a moderator directly. We are here to ensure a positive and respectful environment, and we appreciate your help in maintaining it.
9. Have Fun and Be Supportive! 🎉
Remember, this is a community built on support, learning, and growth. Whether you're here for job tips, networking, or just to share your story, make sure to keep the atmosphere fun and encouraging. We all have unique experiences and insights to offer!
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